The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce: Business Reference Library

Business Reference Library Header

A-Net: The "ANet" is a co-operative venture of a number of individuals and primarily academic institutions around the world which seeks to provide a networked, electronic forum for the exchange of information in the broad Accounting and Auditing discipline.

555-1212: Find Phone Numbers and Email Addresses on the Internet.

Business Reference Library: The Business Reference library contains company directories, reference publications, information on business opportunities and biographical information on political candidates, congressional members, celebrities and international decision makers.

Business Reference Service from University of Minnesota

Cipher Systems: Intranet Groupware for Competitive Intelligence & Knowledge Management.

Classmate Booster Program: Helps schools and non-profit organizations to raise funds.

Internet Commerce Research: This study evaluates Internet Commerce in late 1995.

Networking Glossary: A comprehensive list of networking terms:

Mike's Clock Clinic's Links: Library Reference Desk, Internet Files & Software, & U.S. Government Links.

Print Publications Related to Business Use of the Internet. Allow visitors to purchase online many of the books listed on this page.

The Electric Library: Makes it possible to conduct real research over the Internet, using a deep database of reliable sources.

Who - Where: Find People and Companies with Who - Where.

Academic Resources
Business Reference Library
Chambers Of Commerce
Electronic Commerce
Financial Services and Banking
International Resources
Investment Resources
Job Classifieds/Recruitment
Law Library
Local/Federal Business Development
Maryland Business Organizations
Online Marketing Resources
Small Business Resources

Netscape Now This site is best viewed with
Netscape Navigator 2.02 or later
or Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 or later.

© Copyright 1997. The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce,
Bethesda, MD. 20814. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.