pre-registering for The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all
other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs &
Leads\" list.

DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm

WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852

COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE

At the door: $15/person at the door

- See more at:

pre-registering for The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all
other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs &
Leads\" list.

DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm

WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852

COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE

At the door: $15/person at the door

- See more at:

pre-registering for The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all
other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs &
Leads\" list.

DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm

WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852

COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE

At the door: $15/person at the door

- See more at:

Those pre-registering and attending The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs & Leads\" list.

DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm

WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852

COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE

At the door: $15/person at the door

MoCo networking: MOre COmpanies,MOre COrporate executives,

MOre COnnections, MOre
COlleagues. Network bigger!

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DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852 COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE At the door: $15/person at the door - See more at: pre-registering for The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs & Leads\" list. DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852 COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE At the door: $15/person at the door - See more at: pre-registering for The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs & Leads\" list. DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852 COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE At the door: $15/person at the door - See more at: pre-registering for The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs & Leads\" list. DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852 COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE At the door: $15/person at the door - See more at: pre-registering and attending The Big Event! will receive an advance list of all other pre-registered attendees as well as each registrants' \"Needs & Leads\" list. DATE & TIME: April 22, 4pm - 7:30pm WHERE:  Pike & Rose on the 5th Floor, 11810 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852 COST: Pre-registration: $10/person for groups of 5 or more; $12 for individuals; GET YOUR TICKETS HERE At the door: $15/person at the door MoCo networking: MOre COmpanies,MOre COrporate executives, MOre COnnections, MOre COlleagues. Network bigger! 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