Member Affinity Programs Header

Option I.
Special Promotion *$99
(Retail Value: $150)

NeuroSystems, Inc.
Network and information technologies to enhance our customers' business performance.

Visit our site from here to check out our other products and services.

The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase
Chamber of Commerce
Members Only
     (* Offer good through May 1997)

For Members Only!! An incredible opportunity! Promotion includes hosting 1 Home Page for an entire year! Included will be contact information as well as a complete company description of services (up to 200 words total) and your company logo or a photograph. Your page will be linked directly to the Chamber's new Web site for six months at no charge. In the seventh month, you can renew with an annual contract for $120/year. Anyone looking through the Chamber pages can find you!

Option II. Getting Started $875
(Retail Value: $1095)

($795 for submitting digital media)

An excellent value. This package includes 9 web pages to start. With a minimum commitment of resources, you can establish a foundation upon which to build your online business. Let your current and new customers know you have your web site up! This is called creating a presence on the Internet.

Option III. May I Take Your Order Online? $1,550
(Retail Value: $1940)

($1,395 for submitting digital media)

Getting online orders is the business end of direct sales. Your site now expands to a total of 20 pages. The goal is to create what marketing folks call a powerful "point of purchase." Think of it as the checkout counter at the super market. Includes introduction of an order form and supporting point of purchase graphics, links, or targeted information which instill customer confidence in the transaction itself.

Option IV. Serving Your Customers $3,295
(Retail Value: $4120)

($2,995 for submitting digital media)

This step brings a focus on how to enhance your customer service through your web site. The site now totals 30 pages. It features clickable maps (up to three) which highlight the links with your ongoing business support resources (key employees, partners, associates, suppliers). Show how each relationship benefits the customer!

Option V. Presenting Your Multimedia Showcase $6,595
(Retail Value: $8250)

($5,995 for submitting digital media)

We offer considerable flexibility in the Multimedia Showcase implementation. Rapid changes in technology often allow us to do more for you at the moment your showcase is ready for production. We will always seek to keep your site technologically current, fresh and exciting.

À la Carte Services

To strengthen your web site development program at any step along the way you may want to consider specific additional services. Here are the costs for extra add-ons to existing features you may want to consider.

Description Retail Value Member Cost
Additional text only web pages (200 words maximum) $ 110 each $   85 each
Extra Personal Profile with a photo $ 190 each $ 149 each
Extra PR Wire Press Release, Product or Service Announcement $ 190 each $ 149 each
Extra audio clips (less than 9 seconds each) $   75 each $   50 each
Extra graphic elements provided by customer on diskette $   38 each $   30 each
Extra graphic/photo scanning $ 100 each $   75 each
Extra URL links established, monitored and maintained (Options II - V Only) $     7 each $     5 each
Extra Link on a clickable map or graphic $ 250 each $ 199 each
Expert CGI, JAVA, HTML graphic programming $ 110 hour $   85 hour
Expert web design and development consultation $ 110 hour $   85 hour
Discussion Online Database Development and Hosting (up to 20MB) $ 250 each $ 200 each
Additional disk space $     8/Meg $     5/Meg
Guestbook $ 190 each $ 150 each
Annual Email Account $   75 each $   50 each
Annual Email-to-Fax Account (Local Calls Only) $   75 each $   50 each
Domain Name Registration and Site Hosting Only
Call for quotation!
Audio & Video Clips
Call for quotation!
Advertising Ad Banners, Event Patrons, Logo Banner
Call for quotation!

Other Optional Services can be quoted if desired, including:

Bulletin board online conferences
Video and desktop conferencing
Virtual Reality Showcase applications

Payment Policies, Renewal and Upgrades

Prices include design, first year service, and registration fees for the first year. Prices subject to change without notice.

Options I - V: A 60% advance payment is required to begin. The balance is due, after your approval, and before it is released to the public.

À la Carte Services: Billed each month and are due within 30 days of deployment on your Web Site.

Renewal: Annual rate will be 2/3 of initial year production and service rate for Options II - V. Option I maintenance is $50 per year.

Upgrades: We prorate exactly on the services you have received during the year. You receive 100% credit for the previous development work done. For example if you move from Option I to Option II you will pay the difference between the Option II fee of $875 and the Option I fee of $99 which is $776. Any À la Carte Services you have purchased during the annual agreement period which are included in your next step of development are credited to you by providing extra service or deducted from your invoice at the time you pay for the next step. Also if you add an item during your service year, the cost will be prorated and the difference deducted from your renewal invoice.

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© Copyright 1997. The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce,
Bethesda, MD. 20814. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.