The Greater Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce
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Strategic Plan

Approved by the Board of Directors March 15, 2006


Encourage Business Relationships Among Members

1. Continue and enhance the Ambassador's Program, monitor and evaluate its efficacy on membership recruitment and retention. Consider expansion possibilities. (Membership Development)
2. Increase focus on providing "Business-to-Business" and "Business-to-Consumer" opportunities for larger and small members including pre-qualified programs resulting in business and procurement (sub to prime) opportunities.
3. Focus efforts of Vice President of Marketing and Communication to assist staff and VPs in promoting to membership two aspects of Chamber activities and programs.
4. Monitor and formally evaluate renewed Member-To-Member Benefit Program (Membership Development)

Increase/Retain Membership – Membership Development

1. Increase membership by 10% ($ and/or #) in 2006-07, and specifically market to and recruit new members from areas other than Bethesda CBD.
2. Evaluate and address needs (advocacy, educational, etc.) of members outside the Bethesda CBD.
3. Recruit additional Trade Association membership
4. Retain 80% of 2005-6 membership
• Focus on retention, develop Board outreach program that ensures quality interaction between active members and new members
5. Continue bi-annual contact with top-dues paying members (with Exec. Comm.)
6. Evaluate all events and seminars and determine possible changes based on Return on Investments

Evaluate Membership Communications and Services

1. Throughout the year, conduct monthly, online membership surveys on single-issue (Strategic Planning and Marketing & Communications Committees)
2. Compile list of names and reasons of those businesses solicited who will not join, for further review and analysis by Membership Development
3. Implement development of updated website


Exercise Pro-Active Leadership on Key Issues Facing each Region served by Chamber Economic Development Committee

1. Bethesda CBD:
• Lobby for Inner Purple Line and other transit initiatives;
• Continue to support and work with BUP and any remaining Woodmont Triangle issues

2. Chevy Chase/ Friendship Heights/Westbard:
• Meet with developers, new business owners and established organizations to inventory needs and issues; monitor Friendship Heights Task Force and the Transportation Management District (FHTMD) activities; monitor Westbard Sector Plan process.

3. North Bethesda/Rockville Pike:
• Serve as liaison with new developments, monitor progress of new Parking Lot District (PLD); support efforts for a North Bethesda Urban District; start working with M-NCPPC staff on White Flint Sector Plan.

4. Rockspring Park/Westfield Mall/Old G’town & Democracy:
• Meet with developers, business owners and established organizations to inventory needs and issues

Advocate for Business – Economic Development Committee

1. During upcoming election year, continue to monitor legislative issues important to the Chamber and work closely to ensure that candidates are aware of Chamber priorities and issues
2. Begin program that identifies those members whose primary reason for joining the Chamber is advocacy; solicit needs/goals from members on that list, work to get them more involved and show them Chamber is responsive to their issues. (Member Services & M&C Committees)
3. Provide assistance to businesses to obtain procurement relationships and opportunities on government contracts.

Expand Role as Business Liaison with Community - Community Development Committee

1. Develop relationship with one new/existing community organization and make them recipient of funds from one event while maintaining existing non-profit relationships.
2. Continue building relationship with member high schools and Junior Achievement.
3. Develop Speakers Bureau for increased visibility for members in various industries and expertise.


Develop Board and Committee Leadership – Executive Committee

1. Conduct follow up meetings with members who expressed desire for leadership role in prior surveys
2. Implement briefs of committee achievements and goals in Newsletter and/or website; each committee and subcommittee chair to provide monthly for inclusion. Work in conjunction with website development.

Focus on Chamber’s Public Relations – Communications & PR Committee

1. Install the new Chamber welcome signs
2. Consider program to recognize member(s) who have taken a leadership role within the Chamber and publicize accordingly (M&C, Exec. Committee)
3. Increase visibility of Chamber in television and print media
• Police/Fire/Rescue Awards program to receive increased publicity (Community Dev. with Communications & PR Committees)
• Member leaders/spokespersons to author, be highlighted or interviewed through local TV, radio and op-ed pieces (e.g. Post, WBJ, Gazette)
• Leadership to participate in 4 television interviews (Comcast)

Evaluate Internal Operations and Efficiency – Executive Committee and Strategic Planning Committee

1. Balanced Budget for 2006-2007
2. Have 2005-06 Financial Statement audited
3. Evaluate Chamber re-staffing and management goals
4. Evaluate upcoming lease renewal and office needs of organization (expansion of space or relocation)

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