The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce
About the Chamber
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Chairman  |  President  |  Board  |  Office Info



Encourage Business Relationships Among Members

  1. Promote, monitor and evaluate the new Ambassador's Program, determine its efficacy on membership recruitment and retention. (Membership Development)
  2. Implement “Business-to-Business” and “Business-to-Consumer” pre-qualified networking events quarterly. (Initially led by Bob Rossi within Member Services)
  3. Create new executive committee position of Vice President of Marketing and Communication, under which one subcommittee operates: the Communications & PR Committee, which is responsible for the review of the Chamber’s modes of communication, providing advice and direction to Chamber in its goal to increase the visibility for the members and the Chamber. This committee will also be responsible for the restructuring and planning of the Chamber’s seminar series (President and Exec. Dir. initiate and hand over to Marketing)
  4. Monitor on-going Member-To-Member Benefit Program and build on the new “Certifichecks” program, increasing membership awareness of programs, and quantify use/success of programs. (Membership Development)

Increase/Retain Membership (Membership Development Committee)

  • Increase membership to 900 in 2004-5, and specifically market to and recruit new members from Friendship Heights, North Bethesda and Potomac. 9/1/04 Membership Drive kick-off breakfast followed by 9/28-30 Phone Drive.
  • Retain 79% of 2004-5 membership
    - Focus on unpaid members
  • Continue bi-annual contact with top-dues paying members (with Exec. Comm.)

Evaluate Membership Communications and Services

  1. In August 2004, survey Membership on single-issue (Strategic Planning and Communications & PR Committee)


Exercise Pro-Active Leadership on Key Issues Facing each Region served by Chamber Economic Development Committee

  1. Bethesda CBD:
    • Work with county on transition to Stage II
    • Lobby for Inner Purple Line and other transit initiatives;
    • Continue to support and work with BUP and via Woodmont Triangle Advocacy Committee on key Woodmont Triangle issues
  2. Chevy Chase / Friendship Heights:
    • Meet with developers, new business owners and established organizations to inventory needs and issues; monitor Friendship Heights Task Force and the Transportation Management District (FHTMD) activities
  3. North Bethesda / Rockville Pike:
    • Serve as liaison with new developments, monitor progress of new Parking Lot District (PLD); support efforts for a North Bethesda Urban District
  4. Rockspring Park / Montgomery Mall / Old G’town & Democracy:
    • Meet with developers, business owners and established organizations to inventory needs and issues

Advocate for Business - Economic Development Committee

  1. Develop ways to help members promote and attract additional business development (Economic Development assigned to form subcommittee)
  2. Develop plan to coordinate with Mo.Co. Conference and Visitors Bureau on accessing Washington convention center leads (Exec. Dir.)
  3. Develop relationship with managers of Bethesda North Conference Center (Exec. Dir.)
  4. Promote Arts & Entertainment District by developing a marketing concept that links Imagination Stage, Bethesda Theater Café, Strathmore, Round House, Glen Echo and Nederlander Theatre.

Expand Role as Business Liaison with Community - Community Development Committee

  1. Develop relationships with one new community organization and one new fundraiser recipient (Community Development) while maintaining existing non-profit relationships.
  2. Continue building relationship with the three public high schools, YMCA and Junior Achievement in the Annual Career Partnership Day program and investigate the development of a new scholarship program


Develop Board and Committee Leadership - Executive Committee

  1. Continue to inform members how to advance within the organization; promote understanding and acceptance of new Suggested Pathway to Leadership chart; conduct follow up meetings with members who expressed desire for leadership role in 2003 Survey
  2. Compile and distribute at Monthly Board Meetings Directors’ attendance at events to date.

Diversify and Increase Number of Sponsors for Chamber Activities - Staff

  1. Obtain two new sponsors for major annual events
  2. Publicize newly improved sponsorship opportunities to membership; consider self-designed sponsorship packages (Communications & PR Committee)
  3. Compile and distribute at Monthly Board Meetings list of active sponsors to date.

Focus on Chamber's Public Relations - Marketing & Communications Committee

  1. Install the new Chamber welcome signs
  2. Increase visibility of Chamber in television and print media
    • Police/Fire/Rescue Awards program to receive increased publicity (Community Dev. with Communications & PR Committees)
    • Member leaders/spokespersons to author, be highlighted or interviewed through local TV, radio and op-ed pieces (e.g. Post, WBJ, Gazette)
    • President to participate in 4 television interviews (Comcast)
  3. Expand Washington Business Journal marketing “partnership”

Evaluate Internal Operations and Efficiency - Executive Committee and Strategic Planning Committee

  1. Balanced Budget for 2004-2005
  2. Have 2003-4 Financial Statement audited
  3. Assess Chamber Staffing, management via interviews now that additional staff member is on board

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    © 2003 Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce - All Rights Reserved